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Active Resilience For Community and Earth


Course Overview

This course explores how we can use our lived experience to support the resilience of our communities. We look at peer support networks, and their importance in supporting each other 121, and how this can help strengthening our communities, supporting collective mental wellbeing. Active Resilience For Community and Earth, is part of our Permaculture and Mental Heath Pilot project


We look first at building our own resilience, and then learn how to use these tools and techniques to support others, helping to build collective resilience within our communities.

The course, brings together a mixture of the social permaculture tools from our Introduction To Permaculture course, teachings and inspiration from Polly Higgins, Joanna Macy & Chris Johnston, as well as Jon Yates, author of Fractured, and an array of permaculture designers.

About the Teacher


Inspired by personal experience and working as a Mental Health Peer support worker with community, Wenderlynn shares how we can use permaculture to support our mental health. Having experienced poor mental health since a teenager and later as an adult, having had several suicide attempts, she shares how permaculture has helped her to over come moments of adversity and push through fear.

Full Course Coming in 2024

Till we launch the full course, we are running small sections of the content, trailling them out with various community groups. Please see our events and course page for more detiails

An important part of the developement of this course is the collaboration of the participants. You help shape the content, so your feedback is important.

The course is also part of Wenderlynn's Diploma journey

The Trustfall Activity

Book a demonstration workshop to find out why we use this activity on our course.

Be one of the first to book your place on the full course. A deposit is required. Contact us to book and for more details

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